scaledJPEGImageQuality Property


The property scaledJPEGImageQuality is used to control the amount of compression applied when JPEG images are scaled during import.

To set this property, use the ESDWeb object's set method, as illustrated in the example below, or pass it to the startup method as part of the configuration parameter.

The value of this property must be greater than zero and less than or equal to 1. For best quality specify 1.0. A quality setting of 0.75 provides good image quality and compression. Lower quality settings provide greater image compression.

The default scaled JPEG image quality level is 0.75.

The property maxImportedImageSize controls the scaling of imported images.


editor = new ESDWeb(null, 'editorNode');


// Set the maximum image import size to 1600px x 900px
editor.set('maxImportedImageSize', 1600 * 900);
// Set the quality level to be used when resampling JPEG images
editor.set('scaledJPEGImageQuality', 0.65);