What's New

Notable changes in this release:

  1. The editor's new Views feature is enabled by setting the viewAreasEnabled configuration property to true. viewAreasEnabled is a property of the configuration object passed to the editor's Startup method.
  2. Editor property userSettingDefaults has been deprecated and should not be used. Instead use property userSettings.
  3. The Startup method's userSettingDefaults configuration property has been deprecated and should not be used. Instead use the Startup method's userSettings configuration property. This property supports the same configuration options as the userSettings editor property.
  4. Editor properties minMapHeight and minMapWidth are no longer supported.
  5. Editor method defineLassoedAreaAction has been removed. The lasso feature has been replaced by the more capable Views technology.
  6. Editor method getAvailableSymbolCollections is no longer supported.
  7. The editor's default image export attributes (width, height, format, etc.) can be specified in the userSettings property. These attributes provide default image export values for the store and exportImage methods.
  8. The behavior and capabilities of the ESD/SPD Web server are largely unchanged, with the following exceptions:
    • The Rasterizer command line utility is no longer supported. The new Easy Street Draw Editor SDK provides more comprehensive automation capabilities, including PowerShell support.
    • The server configuration file supports several new settings: rasterizerDefaultWidth, rasterizerDefaultHeight, rasterizerDefaultMargin, rasterizerDefaultImageQuality, rasterizerDefaultFormat and tempFileAutoDelete.
    • Server configuration option rasterizeUseGPU is no longer supported.
  9. The functionality of the editor is reduced in Internet Explorer 9 and 10:
    • The new print feature is not available.
    • Image import is not supported.