caseData Property


The caseData property allow you to pass street and/or vehicle labels into the ESD/SPD Web editor. The editor makes these values available to the user for drag-and-drop street and vehicle labeling. The specified street labels will be shown in the symbol manager under "Labels" when the Streets layer is selected. Vehicle labels will be shown under "Vehicle > Labels" when the Symbols layer is selected.

To set this property, use the ESDWeb object's set method, as illustrated below.


editor = new ESDWeb(null, 'editorNode');


// Set sample case-specific data.
editor.set('caseData', {
    'streetLabels': [
        'Main Street',
        'Second Street'
    'unitLabels': [
        '1997 Chevrolet',
        '1972 Ford',
        '2007 Toyota'